
必要条件 presents essential thought leadership from 安妮·普里斯科总统, Ph.D. on topics of significance in higher education today.

Ensuring Success in College for Latinx Students: Insights and Imperatives

Hispanic Heritage Month is a time to recognize the remarkable journey of college students of Hispanic descent in the United States. 这些学生, like previous immigrant groups in American history, face unique challenges and experiences as they pursue higher education. Recent research sheds light on the disparities and difficulties Latinx students encounter, making it crucial for 大学 and universities to provide the resources and support they need to succeed. 



The Relevance of Values-Based Higher Education Has Never Been Greater

就其本质而言, 大学, and universities serve to bring together people from different cultures and backgrounds as one community. 在他们最好的时候, campus communities build a strong sense of unity that empowers students to apply their education in the broader world to make a transformative impact. Higher education is ideally positioned to elicit positive effects. Catholic universities are at the heart of leading that change. Shafik (2021) describes the value proposition well by noting, “We need a social contract that … is less about ‘me’ and more about ‘we’.”   



重新构想学生契约: Lessons from History

We often talk about the importance of education and its impact on individuals and the greater community. That is not confined to just academics. Exposure and interaction with cultures different from ours can immeasurably expand our world. Learning about others’ experiences allows us to better understand the broader world around us.    

The Importance of Culture on Campus

We often talk about the importance of education and its impact on individuals and the greater community. That is not confined to just academics. Exposure and interaction with cultures different from ours can immeasurably expand our world. Learning about others’ experiences allows us to better understand the broader world around us.    

教育者都到哪里去了? Incentivizing Today’s Students to Educate the Next Generation

Following three school years impacted by COVID-19 mitigation measures, hitting K-12 schools in high-poverty areas across the United States the hardest, education experts are now assessing how the pandemic impacted—and continues to impact—the state of K-12 education nationwide.   

Breaking the Bias in Higher Education

The theme for this year’s 国际 Women’s Day (March 8) was breaking the bias and “imagining a gender-equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated (where we) shine a spotlight on activity uplifting and inspiring women to pursue goals without bias or barrier.”


Higher Education: More Value for the Money

So often we talk about education in terms of dollars spent. 学费是多少? What is the earning potential of a degree? Is a college education really worth the time and money? 虽然这些都是有效的问题, I would like to examine the broader picture of the value of post-secondary education and the financial and opportunity costs of impeding access to that education.



自从我七月来到这里, I have been talking about faith and family as these words have real meaning for me personally, 我们作为一个机构也是如此. They reflect our current position, how we arrived here, and where we are headed. One poignant example of this occurred at one of our weekly masses in the chapel. I noticed two Muslim students in attendance, and as we chatted after the service, they explained they were taking a world religion class and wanted to understand Catholic traditions. 敏锐地, they cited similarities to their own faith and commented on how welcoming and open the 十大网络彩票平台大全 campus was in making them feel right at home. 这就是我们的宗旨.



的关键路径 Teneor Votis

Teneor votis (“I am bound by my responsibilities”) is the motto of 十大网络彩票平台大全, but how does it manifest itself in our daily lives? First and foremost, we believe our responsibility is to our community, whom we consider our family. How can we help our family grow and prosper?


